
求人コード 002-314
求人企業 外資系生命保険
求人タイトル Corporate Finance(マネージャー)
職務内容 ◆Plan and Optimize return on capital considering Group requirement and local requirement.
◆Manage the reporting process of Japanese local solvency margin
◆Organize capital Allocation meetings with Group corporate finance team
◆Identify the risk and opportunity for the company organic growth through financial re-engineering
◆Manage the relationship with rating agencies
◆Manage M&A transaction incl Strategic investment to create value.
◆Corporate finance and accounting knowledge.
◆Asset knowledge.
◆Knowledge of Japanese regulations (IBL, FSA regulations, Japanese Commercial Code tax,)
◆Project management skill.
◆Communication skills including presentations.
◆Japanese. Strong reading, writing and speaking ability in English.
◆8-10 years work experience at least 5 years of which should be in finance/Accounting
◆CPA (accounting skills) or CMA or CFA (Ideally)
勤務地 東京
年収 1000万~1400万(応相談)